time.pl -- Time and alarm library
The library(time) provides timing and alarm functions. Alarms are thread-specific, i.e., creating an alarm causes the alarm goal to be called in the thread that created it. The predicate current_alarm/4 only reports alarms that are related to the calling thread. If a thread terminates, all remaining alarms are silently removed. Most applications use call_with_time_limit/2.
alarm(+Time, :Callable, -Id) is det
alarm(+Time, :Callable, -Id, +Options) is det
- Set up an alarm to be signaled Time seconds from now. If the
alarm expires, Callable is called asynchronously. Callable can
be used to raise an exception using throw/1 to abort some
Options is a list of Name(Value) options. Currently defined options are:
- remove(Bool)
- If
), remove the alarm-event (as remove_alarm/1) after it has been fired. - install(Bool)
- If
) do not install the alarm. It must be installed separately using install_alarm/1.
alarm_at(+Time, :Callable, -Id) is det
alarm_at(+Time, :Callable, -Id, +Options) is det
- As alarm/3 and alarm/4, but schedule the alarm at an absolute point in time.
install_alarm(+Id) is det
install_alarm(+Id, +RelTime) is det
- Install an alarm allocated using alarm/4 with the
option or de-activated using uninstall_alarm/1. With a given RelTime, the alarm is scheduled at the RelTime from now. Otherwise it is scheduled on the same (absolute) time on which is was created. uninstall_alarm(+Id) is det
- De-activate an alarm. This does not invalidate Id, but ensures that the alarm will not fire. The alarm can be rescheduled to the original time using install_alarm/1 or to a new time using install_alarm/2.
remove_alarm(+Id) is det
- Remove an alarm. If it has not yet been fired, it never will.
current_alarm(?Time, :Goal, ?Id, ?Status) is nondet
- Enumerate the alarms in the schedule. Time is the absolute time
the event is scheduled for (see also get_time/1). Goal is the
goal to execute, Id is the identifier and Status is the
scheduling status. It takes the value
if the alarm has been fired,next
if the event is the next to be executed andscheduled
otherwise. call_with_time_limit(+Time, :Goal) is det
call_with_time_limit(+Time, :Goal, +Context) is det
- Call Goal, while watching out for a (wall-time) limit. If this limit
is exceeded, the exception
is raised. call_with_time_limit/3 throwstime_limit_exceeded(Context)
. Goal is called as in once/1.
Re-exported predicates
The following predicates are exported from this file while their implementation is defined in imported modules or non-module files loaded by this module.
alarm(+Time, :Callable, -Id) is det
alarm(+Time, :Callable, -Id, +Options) is det
- Set up an alarm to be signaled Time seconds from now. If the
alarm expires, Callable is called asynchronously. Callable can
be used to raise an exception using throw/1 to abort some
Options is a list of Name(Value) options. Currently defined options are:
- remove(Bool)
- If
), remove the alarm-event (as remove_alarm/1) after it has been fired. - install(Bool)
- If
) do not install the alarm. It must be installed separately using install_alarm/1.
alarm_at(+Time, :Callable, -Id) is det
alarm_at(+Time, :Callable, -Id, +Options) is det
- As alarm/3 and alarm/4, but schedule the alarm at an absolute point in time.
install_alarm(+Id) is det
install_alarm(+Id, +RelTime) is det
- Install an alarm allocated using alarm/4 with the
option or de-activated using uninstall_alarm/1. With a given RelTime, the alarm is scheduled at the RelTime from now. Otherwise it is scheduled on the same (absolute) time on which is was created. call_with_time_limit(+Time, :Goal) is det
call_with_time_limit(+Time, :Goal, +Context) is det
- Call Goal, while watching out for a (wall-time) limit. If this limit
is exceeded, the exception
is raised. call_with_time_limit/3 throwstime_limit_exceeded(Context)
. Goal is called as in once/1.