PublicShow -- BSD libedit based command line editing

This library wraps the BSD libedit command line editor. The binding provides a high level API to enable command line editing on the Prolog user streams and low level predicates to apply the library on other streams and program the library.

Source el_wrap is det
Enable using editline on the standard user streams if user_input is connected to a terminal. This is the high level predicate used for most purposes. The remainder of the library interface deals with low level predicates that allows for applying and programming libedit in non-standard situations.

The library is registered with ProgName set to swipl (see el_wrap/4).

Source el_wrap(+ProgName:atom, +In:stream, +Out:stream, +Error:stream) is det
Enable editline on the stream-triple <In,Out,Error>. From this moment on In is a handle to the command line editor.
ProgName- is the name of the invoking program, used when reading the editrc(5) file to determine which settings to use.
 el_setup(+In:stream) is nondet[multifile]
This hooks is called as forall(el_setup(Input), true) after the input stream has been wrapped, the default Prolog commands have been added and the default user setup file has been sourced using el_source/2. It can be used to define and bind additional commands.
Source el_wrapped(+In:stream) is semidet
True if In is a stream wrapped by el_wrap/3.
Source el_unwrap(+In:stream) is det
Remove the libedit wrapper for In and the related output and error streams.
- The wrapper creates FILE* handles that cannot be closed and thus wrapping and unwrapping implies a (modest) memory leak.
Source el_source(+In:stream, +File) is det
Initialise editline by reading the contents of File. If File is unbound try $HOME/.editrc
Source el_bind(+In:stream, +Args) is det
Invoke the libedit bind command with the given arguments. The example below lists the current key bindings.
?- el_bind(user_input, ['-a']).

The predicate el_bind/2 is typically used to bind commands defined using el_addfn/4. Note that the C proxy function has only the last character of the command as context to find the Prolog binding. This implies we cannot both bind e.g., "^[?" *and "?" to a Prolog function.

See also
- editrc(5) for more information.
Source el_addfn(+Input:stream, +Command, +Help, :Goal) is det
Add a new command to the command line editor associated with Input. Command is the name of the command, Help is the help string printed with e.g. bind -a (see el_bind/2) and Goal is called of the associated key-binding is activated. Goal is called as
call(:Goal, +Input, +Char, -Continue)

where Input is the input stream providing access to the editor, Char the activating character and Continue must be instantated with one of the known continuation codes as defined by libedit: norm, newline, eof, arghack, refresh, refresh_beep, cursor, redisplay, error or fatal. In addition, the following Continue code is provided.

electric(Move, TimeOut, Continue)
Show electric caret at Move positions to the left of the normal cursor positions for the given TimeOut. Continue as defined by the Continue value.

The registered Goal typically used el_line/2 to fetch the input line and el_cursor/2, el_insertstr/2 and/or el_deletestr/2 to manipulate the input line.

Normally el_bind/2 is used to associate the defined command with a keyboard sequence.

See also
- el_set(3) EL_ADDFN for details.
Source el_line(+Input:stream, -Line) is det
Fetch the currently buffered input line. Line is a term line(Before, After), where Before is a string holding the text before the cursor and After is a string holding the text after the cursor.
Source el_cursor(+Input:stream, +Move:integer) is det
Move the cursor Move character forwards (positive) or backwards (negative).
Source el_insertstr(+Input:stream, +Text) is det
Insert Text at the cursor.
Source el_deletestr(+Input:stream, +Count) is det
Delete Count characters before the cursor.
Source el_history(+In:stream, ?Action) is det
Perform a generic action on the history. This provides an incomplete interface to history() from libedit. Supported actions are:
Clear the history.
Set size of history to size elements.
Set flag that adjacent identical event strings should not be entered into the history.
Source el_history_events(+In:stream, -Events:list(pair)) is det
Unify Events with a list of pairs of the form Num-String, where Num is the event number and String is the associated string without terminating newline.
Source el_add_history(+In:stream, +Line:text) is det
Add a line to the command line history.
Source el_read_history(+In:stream, +File:file) is det
Read the history saved using el_write_history/2.
File- is a file specification for absolute_file_name/3.
Source el_write_history(+In:stream, +File:file) is det
Save editline history to File. The history may be reloaded using el_read_history/2.
File- is a file specification for absolute_file_name/3.