doc_html.pl -- PlDoc HTML backend
This module translates the Herbrand term from the documentation extracting module doc_wiki.pl into HTML+CSS.
doc_for_file(+File, +Options) is det
- HTTP handler that writes documentation for File as HTML.
- public_only(+Bool)
- If
(default), only emit documentation for exported predicates. - edit(Bool)
- If
, provide edit buttons. Default, these buttons are suppressed. - title(+Title)
- Specify the page title. Default is the base name of the file.
doc_resources(+Options)// is det
- Include required resources (CSS, JS) into the output. The first
clause supports
. A bit hacky ... doc_file_objects(+FileSpec, -File, -Objects, -FileOptions, +Options) is det
- Extracts relevant information for FileSpec from the PlDoc
database. FileOptions contains:
file(Title:string, Comment:string)
- public(Public:
Objects contains
doc(PI:predicate_indicator, File:Line, Comment)
We distinguish three different states for FileSpec:
- File was cross-referenced with collection enabled. All information is in the xref database.
- File was loaded. If comments are not loaded, cross-reference the file, while storing the comments as the compiler would do.
- Neither of the above. In this case we cross-reference the file.
ensure_doc_objects(+File) is det
- Ensure we have documentation about File. If we have no comments for the file because it was loaded before comment collection was enabled, run the cross-referencer on it to collect the comments and meta-information.
module_info(+File, -ModuleOptions, +OtherOptions) is det
- Add options
to OtherOptions if File is a module file. doc_hide_private(+Objs, +Public, +Options)
- Remove the private objects from Objs according to Options.
private(+Obj, +Options) is semidet
- True if Obj is not exported from Options. This means Options defined a module and Obj is not member of the exports of the module.
- prolog:doc_is_public_object(+Object) is semidet[multifile]
- Hook that allows objects to be displayed with the default public-only view.
multifile(+Obj, +Options) is semidet
- True if Obj is a multifile predicate.
file_header(+File, +Options)// is det
- Create the file header.
edit_button(+File, +Options)// is det
- Create an edit button for File. If the button is clicked, JavaScript sends a message to the server without modifying the current page. JavaScript code is in the file pldoc.js.
zoom_button(BaseName, +Options)// is det
- Add zoom in/out button to show/hide the private documentation.
source_button(+File, +Options)// is det
- Add show-source button.
objects(+Objects:list, +Options)// is det
- Emit the documentation body. Options includes:
- navtree(+Boolean)
- If
, provide a navitation tree.
is_pi(@Term) is semidet
- True if Term is a predicate indicator.
object_page(+Obj, +Options)// is semidet
- Generate an HTML page describing Obj. The top presents the file
the object is documented in and a search-form. Options:
- header(+Boolean)
- Show the navigation and search header.
object_footer(+Obj, +Options)// is det
- Call the hook doc_object_footer//2. This hook will be used to deal with examples.
object_page_footer(+Obj, +Options)// is det
- Call the hook doc_object_page_footer//2. This hook will be used to deal with annotations.
object_synopsis(Obj, Options)// is det
- Provide additional information about Obj. Note that due to reexport facilities, predicates may be available from multiple modules.
unquote_filespec(+Spec, -Unquoted) is det
- Translate e.g. library('semweb/rdf_db') into library(semweb/rdf_db).
doc_write_html(+Out:stream, +Title:atomic, +DOM) is det
- Write HTML for the documentation page DOM using Title to Out.
doc_page_dom(+Title, +Body, -DOM) is det
- Create the complete HTML DOM from the Title and Body. It adds links to the style-sheet and javaScript files.
print_html_head(+Out:stream) is det
- Print the
line. tags(+Tags)// is det
- Emit the @tag tags of a description. Tags is produced by tags/3.
tag(+Tag, +Values:list)// is det
- Called from \
tag(Name, Values)
terms produced by doc_wiki.pl. doc_tag_title(+Tag, -Title) is det
- Title is the name to use for Tag in the generated documentation.
object_tree(+Tree, +Current, +Options)// is det
- Render a tree of objects used for navigation.
pred_dt(+Modes, +Class, Options)// is det
- Emit the predicate header.
pred_edit_button(+PredIndicator, +Options)// is det
- Create a button for editing the given predicate. Options
- module(M)
- Resolve to module M
- file(F)
- For multi-file predicates: link to version in file.
- line(L)
- Line to edit (in file)
object_edit_button(+Object, +Options)// is det
- Create a button for editing Object.
object_source_button(+Object, +Options)// is det
- Create a button for showing the source of Object.
is_op_type(+Atom, ?Type)
- True if Atom is an operator of Type. Type is one of
. term(+Text, +Term, +Bindings)// is det
- Process the \term element as produced by doc_wiki.pl.
predref(+PI)// is det
predref(+PI, +Options)// is det
- Create a reference to a predicate. The reference consists of the
relative path to the file using the predicate indicator as
Current file must be available through the global variable
. If this variable not set it creates a link to /doc/<file>#anchor. Such links only work in the online browser. nopredref(+PI)//
- Result of
, non-linking predicate indicator. flagref(+Flag)//
- Reference to a Prolog flag.
cite(+Citations)// is det
- Emit citations. This is indented to allow for [@cite1;@cite2] for generating LaTex.
object_ref(+Object, +Options)// is det
- Create a hyperlink to Object. Points to the /doc_for URL. Object is as the first argument of doc_comment/4. Note this can be a list of objects.
object_href(+Object, -HREF) is det
object_href(+Object, -HREF, +Options) is det
- HREF is the URL to access Object.
object_name(+Obj, +Options)// is det
- HTML description of documented Obj. Obj is as the first argument
of doc_comment/4. Options:
- style(+Style)
- One of
- qualify(+Boolean)
- Qualify predicates by their module
- secref_style(Style)
- One of
file(+FileName)// is det
file(+FileName, +Options)// is det
- Create a link to another filename if the file exists. Called by
terms in the DOM term generated bywiki.pl
. Supported options are:- label(+Label)
- Label to use for the link to the file.
- absolute_path(+Path)
- Absolute location of the referenced file.
- href(+HREF)
- Explicitely provided link; overrule link computation.
- map_extension(+Pairs)
- Map the final extension if OldExt-NewExt is in Pairs.
- files(+Map)
- List of
file(Name, Link)
that specifies that we must user Link for the given physical file Name. - edit_handler(+Id)
- HTTP handler Id to call if the user clicks the edit button.
existing_linked_file(+File, -Path) is semidet
- True if File is a path to an existing file relative to the current file. Path is the absolute location of File.
include(+FileName, +Type, +Options)// is det
- Inline FileName. If this is an image file, show an inline image.
Else we create a link like file//1. Called by \
include(File, Type)
terms in the DOM term generated bywiki.pl
if it encounters [[file.ext]]. doc_for_wiki_file(+File, +Options) is det
- Write HTML for the File containing wiki data.
mode_anchor_name(+Mode, -Anchor:atom) is det
- Get the anchor name for a mode.
pred_anchor_name(+Head, -PI:atom/integer, -Anchor:atom) is det
- Create an HTML anchor name from Head.
Undocumented predicates
The following predicates are exported, but not or incorrectly documented.