qsave.pl -- Save current program as a state or executable
This library provides qsave_program/1 and qsave_program/2, which are also used by the commandline sequence below.
swipl -o exe -c file.pl ...
qsave_program(+File) is det
qsave_program(+File, :Options) is det
- Make a saved state in file `File'.
qsave:arch_shlib(+Architecture, +FileSpec, -File) is det[multifile]
- This is a user defined hook called by qsave_program/2. It is used to
find a shared library for the specified Architecture, named by
FileSpec. FileSpec is of the form
, a specification usable by absolute_file_name/2. The predicate should unify File with the absolute path for the shared library that corresponds to the specified Architecture.If this predicate fails to find a file for the specified architecture an
is thrown. qsave_toplevel
- Called to handle `-c file` compilaton.
Re-exported predicates
The following predicates are exported from this file while their implementation is defined in imported modules or non-module files loaded by this module.
qsave_program(+File) is det
qsave_program(+File, :Options) is det
- Make a saved state in file `File'.