Full-text text search

The SWI-Prolog RDF database allow for indexed search in literals, searching both entire literal values and tokens inside literals. The search facilities on entire literals are described with rdf/3 and take the form below. See rdf/3 for details.

rdf(S, P, literal(Query, Value))

Search inside literals is provided by the library(semweb/rdf_litindex). It brings searching for entire tokens, token prefixes, stemming, metaphone (sounds as) and token (number) ranges.

These facilities can be exploited when programming in Prolog against the ClioPatria server, either by loading additional services into ClioPatria or by using the SWISH query interface.

Full-text search from SPARQL

SPARQL only provides some string operations (notably CONTAINS) and regular expressions. These constructs are hard to index, in particular because SPARQL regular expressions have no word break anchors. Similar to Tracker , we solve the issue using property functions as introduced by Jena

We associate our full-text property with the namespace http://cliopatria.swi-prolog.org/pf/text#, which has the default abbreviation tpf (Text Property Functions). The basic SPARQL syntax is:

?s tpf:match (?p <query> ?o)

The above represents the triple <?s ?p ?o>, where ?o is a literal that matches <query>. Query is an RDF literal. If the literal has no @lang, text is searched language-neutral. If it has @lang, ?o has the specified language and if stemming is required it will be done with the appropriate snowball stemmer. The <query> satisfies the following syntax:

query              ::= '^' prefix
                     | token-query
token-query        ::= '(' token-query ')'
                     | simple-token-query
                     | simple-token-query 'AND'? token-query
                     | simple-token-query 'OR' token-query
simple-token-query ::=
                     | word modifier
                     | number
                     | number..number	(between)
                     | >=number
                     | =<number
word	       ::= alpha+
modifier           ::= '*'			(prefix)
                     | '/i'			(case insentitive)
                     | '/s'			(stemming)
                     | '/S'			(sounds as)


To be done
- Implement phrase search using '"' phrase '"'
- Possibly fall back to simple token search if the query is invalid? Right now the query produces no results if it cannot be parsed.