Distinct objects for predicate rdfs:comment in graph http://cliopatria.swi-prolog.org/schema/cpack sorted by frequency

"A ClioPatria installable package"1
"A component generates part of an HTML page"1
"A library returns results as Prolog terms"1
"An API serves data as JSON and/or XML"1
"An application generates a web-page for user-interaction"1
"Author of the package"1
"Branch in the repository"1
"Cannot work together with token"1
"Data of submission"1
"Default author for new packages"1
"Define (page) layout"1
"File can be located through FileRef"1
"File holding patterns of files to be ignored by xref"1
"File import/export based package dependency"1
"File in a package"1
"File must be excluded from cross-referencing"1
"FileRef can be resolved by the given File"1
"Full path of a file in a package"1
"Inferred package dependency"1
"Last modification stamp"1
"List of servers from which to fetch packages"1
"Location from which to collect FOAF data"1
"Main repository for the software"1
"Name of a package or file"1
"Name of the file without path or extension"1
"Official identifier name of the package"1
"Official maintainer of the package"1
"Our mirror of the repository"1
"Packages that are often used together"1
"Person that submitted a pack"1
"Places a file inside a package"1
"Predicate indicator of a public predicate"1
"Predicate indicator of an exported predicate"1
"Predicate indicator of non-local predicate"1
"Profile for installing and creating CPACKs"1
"Prolog module defined in the file"1
"Prolog source file"1
"Prolog source file from the ClioPatria library"1
"Prolog source file from the Prolog system library"1
"Reference to a file used by this file"1
"Reference to a used ClioPatria file"1
"Reference to a used Prolog system file"1
"Reference to a used file from a package"1
"Repository from which we cloned"1
"Repository hosted by GIT"1
"Repository where software can be found"1
"Required token"1
"Set of RDF/OWL files, often with Prolog prefixes"1
"Short description of the package"1
"Size of the file in bytes"1
"Submitter of a CPACK"1
"Symbolic file reference as found in Prolog source files"1
"Tag (label) in the repository"1
"Template URL holding a @VAR@ string"1
"This template is used to setup an origin for a created pack"1
"This template is used to setup the default primary repository of a package. The string @CPACK@ is replaced by the name of the package being created"1
"Token(s) provided by this package"1
"Token-based package dependency"1
"URL holding a screenshot"1
"URL of the project home page"1
"URL to clone the repository using git"1
"URL to download/clone the repository"1
"URL to examine the repository with a browser"1
"World-wide unique identifier of a version"1
"submitted package"1