All predicatesShow -- Manage CPACK repositories

Source cpack_add_repository(+User, +URL, +Options)
Add a git repository from URL. Fetch the meta-data into a graph named cpack:<package> and add a provenance statement that indicates the creator of the graph. Options include:
Add the given branch rather than the master
Source git_check_url(+URL) is det[private]
Verify that the URL is either git://, http:// or https://. Notaby, avoid SSH URLs that would make the ClioPatria server try ssh connections that would normally not be allowed.
- (permission_error(add_repository_from, url, URL)
Source cpack_update_package(+User, +Package) is det
Update the given package.
 cpack_update_repository(+User, +URL)[private]
Update a package
Source update_metadata(+BareGitPath, +Graph, +Options) is det[private]
Update metadata for a repository
Source git_export(+BareGitPath, -MirroredURL) is det[private]
Make sure git-daemon-export-ok exists and deduce the URL for cloning using http://
To be done
- Make path for http repos configurable
Source git_hash(+BareGitPath, +RevSpec, -Hash) is det[private]
Add a cpack:hash to the repository.
Source add_files(+BareGitPath, +Graph, +Options) is det[private]
Add objects for the files in BareGitPath to Graph.
Source process_ignore_files(+BareGitPath, +Graph, +Options)[private]
Allow for .cpackignore files that specify that certain files should not be analysed.
Source load_meta_data(+BareGitPath, +Graph, +Options) is det[private]
Load the meta-data from the GIT repository BareGitPath into the named graph Graph.
Source cpack_refresh_metadata(+BareGitPath) is det
Regenerate the metadata associated with BareGitPath from the plain (mirrored) git repository.
Source cpack_refresh_metadata
Rebuild all (xref) metadata for all packages from scratch. This is intended to deal with changes to the metadata formats, lost GIT mirrors, etc.
Source cpack_clone_server(+User, +Server, +Options)
Clone all packages from Server.
Source clone_package(+User, +PackInfo)[private]
Clone package from another server.
Source http_prolog_data(+URL, -Term) is det[private]
Read a Prolog term from URL.
Source cpack_uri(+Type, +Identifier, -URI) is det
Create a persistent URI for Identifier of the given Type.
Source cpack_our_mirror(+Pack, -Dir) is det
Dir is the directory holding the bare git repository for Pack.
Source cpack_log(+Pack, -ShortLog, Options) is det
Fetch information like the GitWeb change overview. Processed options:
Maximum number of commits to show (default is 10)
Only show commits that affect Path
ShortLog- is a list of git_log records. See git_shortlog/3.
 cpack_show(+Pack, +Hash, -Commit) is det[private]
Fetch info from a GIT commit. Options processed:
GIT option on how to format diffs. E.g. stat
Truncate the body at Count lines.
Commit- is a term git_commit(...)-Body. Body is currently a list of lines, each line represented as a list of codes.
Source git_format_string(+Record, -FieldNames, -Format)[private]
If Record is a record with fields whose names match the GIT format field-names, Format is a git --format= argument with the appropriate format-specifiers, terminated by %x00, which causes the actual field to be 0-terminated.

Undocumented predicates

The following predicates are exported, but not or incorrectly documented.

Source cpack_show(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4)
Source commit_data(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3)