- Documentation
- Reference manual
- Packages
- SWI-Prolog SSL Interface
- library(ssl): Secure Socket Layer (SSL) library
- ssl_context/3
- ssl_upgrade_legacy_options/2
- ssl_add_certificate_key/4
- ssl_set_options/3
- ssl_property/2
- ssl_negotiate/5
- ssl_peer_certificate/2
- ssl_peer_certificate_chain/2
- ssl_session/2
- load_certificate/2
- write_certificate/3
- load_crl/2
- system_root_certificates/1
- load_private_key/3
- load_public_key/2
- cert_accept_any/5
- same_certificate/2
- verify_certificate_issuer/2
- verify_certificate/3
- certificate_field/2
- ssl_secure_ciphers/1
- library(ssl): Secure Socket Layer (SSL) library
- SWI-Prolog SSL Interface

- subject/1 to retrieve the subject
- issuer/1 to retrieve the issuer's subject
- version/1 to retrieve the version
- serial/1 to retrieve the serial number
- not_before/1 to retrieve the start date
- not_after/1 to retrieve the expiry date
- public_key/1 to retrieve the public key
- crls/1 to retrieve a list of the CRLs
- sans/1 to retrieve a list of the Subject Alternative Names
- signature/1 to retrieve the certificate signature
- signature_algorithm/1 to retrieve the signing algorithm
- hash/1 to retrieve the certificate hash
- to_be_signed/1 to retrieve the data on the certificate which must be signed