- http
- http
- http_unix_daemon.pl -- Run SWI-Prolog HTTP server as a Unix system daemon
- thread_httpd.pl -- Threaded HTTP server
- http_wrapper.pl -- Server processing of an HTTP request
- http_header.pl -- Handling HTTP headers
- http_stream.pl -- HTTP Streams
- http_exception.pl -- Map Prolog exceptions to HTTP errors
- http_path.pl -- Abstract specification of HTTP server locations
- http_dispatch.pl -- Dispatch requests in the HTTP server
- http_host.pl -- Obtain public server location
- http_parameters.pl -- Extract parameters (GET and POST) from HTTP requests
- http_client.pl -- HTTP client library
- http_multipart_plugin.pl -- Multipart form-data plugin
- http_hook.pl -- HTTP library hooks
- html_write.pl -- Write HTML text
- html_quasiquotations.pl -- HTML quasi quotations
- mimetype.pl -- Determine mime-type for a file
- html_head.pl -- Automatic inclusion of CSS and scripts links
- http_server_files.pl -- Serve files needed by modules from the server
- term_html.pl -- Represent Prolog terms as HTML
- json.pl -- Reading and writing JSON serialization
- http_open.pl -- HTTP client library
- http_session.pl -- HTTP Session management
- http_openid.pl -- OpenID consumer and server library
- yadis.pl -- Yadis discovery
- ax.pl -- Attribute Exchange library
- http_authenticate.pl -- Authenticate HTTP connections using 401 headers
- http_json.pl -- HTTP JSON Plugin module
- http_dirindex.pl -- HTTP directory listings
- js_write.pl -- Utilities for including JavaScript
- js_grammar.pl -- JavaScript grammar
- http_cors.pl -- Enable CORS: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
- json_convert.pl -- Convert between JSON terms and Prolog application terms
- http_server.pl -- HTTP server library
- http_dyn_workers.pl -- Dynamically schedule HTTP workers.
- http_server_health.pl -- HTTP Server health statistics
- hub.pl -- Manage a hub for websockets
- websocket.pl -- WebSocket support
- http_log.pl -- HTTP Logging module
- mimepack.pl -- Create a MIME message
- http
- javascript(+Content, +Vars, +VarDict, -DOM) is det
- Quasi quotation parser for JavaScript that allows for embedding
Prolog variables to substitude identifiers in the JavaScript
snippet. Parameterizing a JavaScript string is achieved using
the JavaScript
operator, which results in concatenation at the client side...., js_script({|javascript(Id, Config)|| $(document).ready(function() { $("#"+Id).tagit(Config); }); |}), ...
The current implementation tokenizes the JavaScript input and yields syntax errors on unterminated comments, strings, etc. No further parsing is implemented, which makes it possible to produce syntactically incorrect and partial JavaScript. Future versions are likely to include a full parser, generating syntax errors.
The parser produces a term
, which is suitable for js_script//1 and html//1. Embedded variables are mapped to\js_expression(Var)
, while the remaining text is mapped to atoms.- To be done
- - Implement a full JavaScript parser. Users should not rely on the ability to generate partial JavaScript snippets.