- ext
- pengines
- pengines.pl -- Pengines: Web Logic Programming Made Easy
- pengines_io.pl -- Provide Prolog I/O for HTML clients
- message_hook/3
- pengine_writeln/1
- pengine_nl/0
- pengine_tab/1
- pengine_flush_output/0
- pengine_write_term/2
- pengine_write/1
- pengine_writeq/1
- pengine_display/1
- pengine_print/1
- pengine_write_canonical/1
- pengine_format/1
- pengine_format/2
- pengine_listing/0
- pengine_listing/1
- message_lines_to_html/3
- send_html/1
- binding_term//3
- pengine_io_predicate/1
- pengine_bind_io_to_html/1
- show_html_hook/1
- term_to_json.pl
- pengines
- message_lines_to_html(+MessageLines, +Classes, -HTMLString) is det
- Helper that translates the Lines argument from user:message_hook/3
into an HTML string. The HTML is a <pre> object with the class
and the given Classes.