:- use_module(library(semweb/rdf_db)).

- graphs(-Count)
- Number of named graphs.
- triples(-Count)
- Total number of triples in the database. This is the number of asserted triples minus the number of retracted ones. The number of visible triples in a particular context may be different due to visibility rules defined by the logical update view and transaction isolation.
- resources(-Count)
- Number of resources that appear as subject or object in a triple. See rdf_resource/1.
- properties(-Count)
- Number of current predicates. See rdf_current_predicate/1.
- literals(-Count)
- Number of current literals. See rdf_current_literal/1.
- gc(GCCount, ReclaimedTriples, ReindexedTriples, Time)
- Information about the garbage collector.
- searched_nodes(-Count)
- Number of nodes expanded by rdf_reachable/3 and rdf_reachable/5.
- lookup(rdf(S,P,O,G), Count)
- Number of queries that have been performed for this particular instantiation pattern. Each of S,P,O,G is either + or -. Fails in case the number of performed queries is zero.
- hash_quality(rdf(S,P,O,G), Buckets, Quality, PendingResize)
- Statistics on the index for this pattern. Indices are created lazily on the first relevant query.
- triples_by_graph(Graph, Count)
- This statistics is produced for each named graph. See
for the interpretation of this value.