- http
- http
- http_unix_daemon.pl -- Run SWI-Prolog HTTP server as a Unix system daemon
- thread_httpd.pl -- Threaded HTTP server
- http_wrapper.pl -- Server processing of an HTTP request
- http_header.pl -- Handling HTTP headers
- http_stream.pl -- HTTP Streams
- http_exception.pl -- Map Prolog exceptions to HTTP errors
- http_path.pl -- Abstract specification of HTTP server locations
- http_dispatch.pl -- Dispatch requests in the HTTP server
- http_host.pl -- Obtain public server location
- http_parameters.pl -- Extract parameters (GET and POST) from HTTP requests
- http_client.pl -- HTTP client library
- http_multipart_plugin.pl -- Multipart form-data plugin
- http_hook.pl -- HTTP library hooks
- html_write.pl -- Write HTML text
- html_quasiquotations.pl -- HTML quasi quotations
- mimetype.pl -- Determine mime-type for a file
- html_head.pl -- Automatic inclusion of CSS and scripts links
- http_server_files.pl -- Serve files needed by modules from the server
- term_html.pl -- Represent Prolog terms as HTML
- json.pl -- Reading and writing JSON serialization
- http_open.pl -- HTTP client library
- http_session.pl -- HTTP Session management
- http_set_session_options/1
- http_session_option/1
- session_setting/2
- http_set_session/1
- http_set_session/2
- http_session_id/1
- http_in_session/1
- http_open_session/2
- http_session_asserta/1
- http_session_assert/1
- http_session_retract/1
- http_session_retractall/1
- http_session_data/1
- http_session_asserta/2
- http_session_assert/2
- http_session_retract/2
- http_session_retractall/2
- http_session_data/2
- http_current_session/2
- http_close_session/1
- http_session_cookie/1
- hooked/0
- hook/1
- http_openid.pl -- OpenID consumer and server library
- yadis.pl -- Yadis discovery
- ax.pl -- Attribute Exchange library
- http_authenticate.pl -- Authenticate HTTP connections using 401 headers
- http_json.pl -- HTTP JSON Plugin module
- http_dirindex.pl -- HTTP directory listings
- js_write.pl -- Utilities for including JavaScript
- js_grammar.pl -- JavaScript grammar
- http_cors.pl -- Enable CORS: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
- json_convert.pl -- Convert between JSON terms and Prolog application terms
- http_server.pl -- HTTP server library
- http_dyn_workers.pl -- Dynamically schedule HTTP workers.
- http_server_health.pl -- HTTP Server health statistics
- hub.pl -- Manage a hub for websockets
- websocket.pl -- WebSocket support
- http_log.pl -- HTTP Logging module
- mimepack.pl -- Create a MIME message
- http
- http_close_session(+SessionID) is det
- Closes an HTTP session. This predicate can be called from any
thread to terminate a session. It uses the broadcast/1 service
with the message below.
http_session(end(SessionId, Peer))
The broadcast is done before the session data is destroyed and the listen-handlers are executed in context of the session that is being closed. Here is an example that destroys a Prolog thread that is associated to a thread:
:- listen(http_session(end(SessionId, _Peer)), kill_session_thread(SessionID)). kill_session_thread(SessionID) :- http_session_data(thread(ThreadID)), thread_signal(ThreadID, throw(session_closed)).
Succeed without any effect if SessionID does not refer to an active session.
If http_close_session/1 is called from a handler operating in the current session and the CGI stream is still in state
, this predicate emits aSet-Cookie
to expire the cookie.- Errors
- -
type_error(atom, SessionID)
- See also
- - listen/2 for acting upon closed sessions