12 Compatibility and standards
Initially, the PlDoc wiki language was based on Twiki. Currently, markdown is a wiki syntax that is widely accepted and not tied to a single system. In PlDoc 2, we have adopted markdown, including many of the limitations and extensions introduced by Doxygen. Limitations are needed to avoid ambiguities due to the common use of symbol charaters in programming languages. Extensions are desirable to make use of already existing conventions and to support requirements of program documentation.
Some of the changes in PlDoc 2 are to achieve compatibility with the Prolog Commons project. The library documentation conventions of this project will be based on PlDoc and the Ciao lpdoc standards. It is likely that there will be more changes to the PlDoc format to synchronise with Commons. We do not anticipate significant impact on existing documentation.
- Covington et al., 2012
- Michael A. Covington, Roberto Bagnara, Richard A. O'Keefe, Jan Wielemaker, Simon Price, and Simon Price. Coding guidelines for prolog coding guidelines for prolog. pages 889--927, 2012.
- Hermenegildo, 2000
- Manuel V. Hermenegildo. A documentation generator for (c)lp systems. In John W. Lloyd, Verónica Dahl, Ulrich Furbach, Manfred Kerber, Kung-Kiu Lau, Catuscia Palamidessi, Lu&\iacute;s Moniz Pereira, Yehoshua Sagiv, and Peter J. Stuckey, editors, Computational Logic, volume 1861 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 1345--1361. Springer, 2000.
- Jeffery et al., 2000
- David Jeffery, Fergus Henderson, and Zoltan Somogyi. Type classes in mercury. In ACSC, pages 128--135. IEEE Computer Society, 2000.
- Moura, 2003
- Paulo Moura. Logtalk - Design of an Object-Oriented Logic Programming Language. PhD thesis, Department of Informatics, University of Beira Interior, Portugal, September 2003.
- Mycroft & O'Keefe, 1984
- Alan Mycroft and Richard A. O'Keefe. A polymorphic type system for
Artif. Intell., 23(3):295--307, 1984.
- ?
- absolute_file_name/3
- 7.2.2
- catch/3
- 5
- doc_browser/0
- 10.1
- doc_browser/1
- doc_collect/1
- 10.1
- doc_latex/3
- doc_load_library/0
- 10.2
- doc_save/2
- doc_server/1
- 10.1 10.3
- doc_server/2
- edit/1
- 10.1 10.3.3
- expand_url_path/2
- 7.2.3
- ip/4
- 10.1
- latex_for_file/3
- latex_for_predicates/3
- latex_for_wiki_file/3
- nb_setarg/3
- 5
- open/3
- 5
- setarg/3
- 5
- undefined/0
- 5