- Documentation
- Reference manual
- The SWI-Prolog library
- library(aggregate): Aggregation operators on backtrackable predicates
- library(ansi_term): Print decorated text to ANSI consoles
- library(apply): Apply predicates on a list
- library(assoc): Association lists
- library(broadcast): Broadcast and receive event notifications
- library(charsio): I/O on Lists of Character Codes
- library(check): Consistency checking
- library(clpb): CLP(B): Constraint Logic Programming over Boolean Variables
- library(clpfd): CLP(FD): Constraint Logic Programming over Finite Domains
- library(clpqr): Constraint Logic Programming over Rationals and Reals
- library(csv): Process CSV (Comma-Separated Values) data
- library(dcg/basics): Various general DCG utilities
- library(dcg/high_order): High order grammar operations
- library(debug): Print debug messages and test assertions
- library(dicts): Dict utilities
- library(error): Error generating support
- library(exceptions): Exception classification
- library(fastrw): Fast reading and writing of terms
- library(gensym): Generate unique symbols
- library(heaps): heaps/priority queues
- library(increval): Incremental dynamic predicate modification
- library(intercept): Intercept and signal interface
- library(iostream): Utilities to deal with streams
- library(listing): List programs and pretty print clauses
- library(lists): List Manipulation
- library(macros): Macro expansion
- library(main): Provide entry point for scripts
- library(nb_set): Non-backtrackable set
- library(www_browser): Open a URL in the users browser
- library(occurs): Finding and counting sub-terms
- library(option): Option list processing
- library(optparse): command line parsing
- library(ordsets): Ordered set manipulation
- library(pairs): Operations on key-value lists
- library(persistency): Provide persistent dynamic predicates
- library(pio): Pure I/O
- library(portray_text): Portray text
- library(predicate_options): Declare option-processing of predicates
- library(prolog_coverage): Coverage analysis tool
- library(prolog_debug): User level debugging tools
- library(prolog_jiti): Just In Time Indexing (JITI) utilities
- library(prolog_trace): Print access to predicates
- library(prolog_versions): Demand specific (Prolog) versions
- library(prolog_xref): Prolog cross-referencer data collection
- library(quasi_quotations): Define Quasi Quotation syntax
- library(random): Random numbers
- library(rbtrees): Red black trees
- library(readutil): Read utilities
- library(record): Access named fields in a term
- library(registry): Manipulating the Windows registry
- library(rwlocks): Read/write locks
- library(settings): Setting management
- library(statistics): Get information about resource usage
- library(strings): String utilities
- library(simplex): Solve linear programming problems
- library(solution_sequences): Modify solution sequences
- library(tables): XSB interface to tables
- library(terms): Term manipulation
- library(thread): High level thread primitives
- library(thread_pool): Resource bounded thread management
- library(ugraphs): Graph manipulation library
- library(url): Analysing and constructing URL
- library(varnumbers): Utilities for numbered terms
- library(yall): Lambda expressions
- The SWI-Prolog library
- Packages
- Reference manual
A.63 library(varnumbers): Utilities for numbered terms
- See also
- numbervars/4, =@=/2 (variant/2).
- Compatibility
- This library was introduced by Quintus and available in many related implementations, although not with exactly the same set of predicates.
This library provides the inverse functionality of the built-in
Note that this library suffers from the known issues that’$VAR’(X)
is a normal Prolog term and, -unlike the built-in numbervars-, the
inverse predicates do not process cyclic terms. The following
predicate is true for any acyclic term that contains no’$VAR’(X),
terms and no constraint variables:
always_true(X) :- copy_term(X, X2), numbervars(X), varnumbers(X, Copy), Copy =@= X2.
- [det]numbervars(+Term)
- Number variables in Term using $VAR(N). Equivalent to
numbervars(Term, 0, _)
.- See also
- numbervars/3, numbervars/4
- [det]varnumbers(+Term, -Copy)
- Inverse of numbervars/1.
Equivalent to
varnumbers(Term, 0, Copy)
. - [det]varnumbers(+Term, +Start, -Copy)
- Inverse of numbervars/3.
True when Copy is a copy of Term with all
variables numbered
Start consistently replaced by fresh variables. Variables in Term are shared with Copy rather than replaced by fresh variables.- Errors
domain_error(acyclic_term, Term)
if Term is cyclic.- Compatibility
- Quintus, SICStus. Not in YAP version of this library
- [det]max_var_number(+Term, +Start, -Max)
- True when Max is the max of Start and the highest
$VAR(N) term.
- author
- Vitor Santos Costa
- Compatibility
- [det]varnumbers_names(+Term, -Copy, -VariableNames)
- If Term is a term with numbered and named variables using the
reserved term’$VAR’(X), Copy is a copy of Term
where each’$VAR’(X) is consistently replaced by a fresh
variable and Bindings is a list
X = Var
, relating the X terms with the variable it is mapped to.- See also
- numbervars/3, varnumbers/3, read_term/3
using the