- Documentation
- Reference manual
- Built-in Predicates
- Notation of Predicate Descriptions
- Character representation
- Loading Prolog source files
- Editor Interface
- Verify Type of a Term
- Comparison and Unification of Terms
- Control Predicates
- Meta-Call Predicates
- Delimited continuations
- Exception handling
- Printing messages
- Handling signals
- DCG Grammar rules
- Database
- Declaring predicate properties
- Examining the program
- Input and output
- Status of streams
- Primitive character I/O
- Term reading and writing
- Analysing and Constructing Terms
- Analysing and Constructing Atoms
- Localization (locale) support
- Character properties
- Operators
- Character Conversion
- Arithmetic
- Misc arithmetic support predicates
- Built-in list operations
- Finding all Solutions to a Goal
- Forall
- Formatted Write
- Global variables
- Terminal Control
- Operating System Interaction
- File System Interaction
- User Top-level Manipulation
- Creating a Protocol of the User Interaction
- Debugging and Tracing Programs
- Debugging and declaring determinism
- Obtaining Runtime Statistics
- Execution profiling
- Memory Management
- Windows DDE interface
- Miscellaneous
- Built-in Predicates
- Packages
- Reference manual
4.13 DCG Grammar rules
Grammar rules form a comfortable interface to difference lists. They are designed both to support writing parsers that build a parse tree from a list of characters or tokens and for generating a flat list from a term.
Grammar rules look like ordinary clauses using
for separating the head and body rather than -->
Expanding grammar rules is done by expand_term/2,
which adds two additional arguments to each term for representing the
difference list.
The body of a grammar rule can contain three types of terms. A
callable term is interpreted as a reference to a grammar rule. Code
is interpreted as plain Prolog code, and
finally, a list is interpreted as a sequence of literals. The
Prolog control-constructs (
, \+
, ->
and ,
) can be
used in grammar rules.
We illustrate the behaviour by defining a rule set for parsing an integer.
integer(I) --> digit(D0), digits(D), { number_codes(I, [D0|D]) }. digits([D|T]) --> digit(D), !, digits(T). digits([]) --> []. digit(D) --> [D], { code_type(D, digit) }.
Grammar rule sets are called using the built-in predicates phrase/2 and phrase/3:
- phrase(:DCGBody, ?List)
- Equivalent to
phrase(DCGBody, InputList, [])
. - phrase(:DCGBody, ?List, ?Rest)
- True when DCGBody applies to the difference
List/Rest. Although DCGBody is
typically a
callable term that denotes a grammar rule, it can be any term
that is valid as the body of a DCG rule.
The example below calls the rule set integer//1 defined in section 4.13 and available from
, binding Rest to the remainder of the input after matching the integer.?- [library(dcg/basics)]. ?- atom_codes('42 times', Codes), phrase(integer(X), Codes, Rest). X = 42 Rest = [32, 116, 105, 109, 101, 115]
The next example exploits a complete body. Given the following definition of digit_weight//1 , we can pose the query below.
digit_weight(W) --> [D], { code_type(D, digit(W)) }.
?- atom_codes('Version 3.4', Codes), phrase(("Version ", digit_weight(Major),".",digit_weight(Minor)), Codes). Major = 3, Minor = 4.
The SWI-Prolog implementation of phrase/3 verifies that the List and Rest arguments are unbound, bound to the empty list or a list cons cell. Other values raise a type error.84The ISO standard allows for both raising a type error and accepting any term as input and output. Note the tail of the list is not checked for performance reasons. The predicate call_dcg/3 is provided to use grammar rules with terms that are not lists.
Note that the syntax for lists of codes changed in SWI-Prolog version 7 (see section 5.2). If a DCG body is translated, both
is a valid code-list literal in version 7. A version 7 string ("text"
) is not acceptable for the second and third arguments of phrase/3. This is typically not a problem for applications as the input of a DCG rarely appears in the source code. For testing in the toplevel, one must use double quoted text in versions prior to 7 and back quoted text in version 7 or later.See also portray_text/1, which can be used to print lists of character codes as a string to the top level and debugger to facilitate debugging DCGs that process character codes. The library
compiles phrase/3 if the argument is sufficiently instantiated, eliminating the runtime overhead of translating DCGBody and meta-calling. - call_dcg(:DCGBody, ?State0, ?State)
- As phrase/3,
but without type checking State0 and State. This
allows for using DCG rules for threading an arbitrary state variable.
This predicate was introduced after type checking was added to
discussion with Samer Abdallah.
A portable solution for threading state through a DCG can be implemented by wrapping the state in a list and use the DCG semicontext facility. Subsequently, the following predicates may be used to access and modify the state:86This solution was proposed by Markus Triska.
state(S), [S] --> [S]. state(S0, S), [S] --> [S0].
As stated above, grammar rules are a general interface to difference lists. To illustrate, we show a DCG-based implementation of reverse/2:
reverse(List, Reversed) :- phrase(reverse(List), Reversed). reverse([]) --> []. reverse([H|T]) --> reverse(T), [H].